inbody – instant body scanTM
inbody is a total body scanner designed in response to the clinical needs of: (i) instant acquisition and accurate 3D reconstruction of human body shapes; (ii) fast production of custom-made biomedical equipment designed on the body’s shapes; (iii) non-invasive diagnosis and monitoring of pathologies that affect the morphology of human anatomical shapes and the skin.
inbody is a medical device for physicians and technicians that is intuitive and easy to use. It support clinicians in different sectors: orthopaedics, physiatry, nutrition, dermatology and plastic surgery.
inbody refers to the Italian patent application n. 102021000006881 and its international extension n. PCT/EP2022/057455, covering both the device and the implemented process of 3D medical scanning.
the design of inbody has been done with the collaboration of ddpstudio, a multiple-award winner italian design studio.
Instant acquisition of multiple postures
beyondshape toolbox
beyondshape toolbox is a software for medical analysis of 3D human body models. It allows the automatic extraction of: 3D body models, body measurements and pathology-specific clinical parameters. It is designed as an interactive web app, that also allows downloading the medical report.
Scan process: instantaneous (< 1 s); high accurate (1 mm); without radiations
Multiple acquisition postures to enable a large set of clinical applications
Extraction of: anatomical landmarks; body measurements; indices